About the Bioprotocols Working Group

The Bioprotocols Working Group is an open community organization developing a free and open standard for representation of biological protocols.

To join the Bioprotocols Working Group:

Help fund development! Get in contact with community leadership about how to contribute.


Elected Term: October 7th, 2024 - October 7th, 2025

Chair: Tim Fallon (UCSD)

Finance Committee:

Former Elected Term: October 3rd, 2023 - October 3rd, 2024

Chair: Tim Fallon (UCSD)

Finance Committee:

Former Elected Term: August 24th, 2022 - October 3rd, 2023

Chair: Dan Bryce (SIFT)

Finance Committee:


Approved by community vote on August 16th, 2022


The Bioprotocols Working Group is an open community organization developing free and open standards for representation of biological protocols. In support of that goal, the organization also develops tools and practices and works with other organizations to facilitate dissemination and adoption of these standards.

As an organization, the Bioprotocols Working Group holds the following values:


This organization has the following structure:

Bioprotocols Working Group

Membership in the Bioprotocols Working Group is open to all interested parties. Individuals interested in joining the group should apply to join the mailing list.

The Bioprotocols Working Group as a whole is the ultimate authority and source of legitimacy for decisions on standards and on community governance. All elections, standards changes, and governance changes are voted on by the Bioprotocols Working Group according to the procedures below.

The primary means of communication for the Bioprotocols Working Group are currently:

All of these are open to participation from any interested party.

In addition, the Bioprotocols Working Group holds workshops twice per year. These may be stand-alone workshops or in combination with another event (e.g., COMBINE meetings), but must provide ample time for attending members to hold focused discussions on the standards and tool development.

All members of the Bioprotocols Working Group are encouraged (but not required) to:

Only a small subset of the Bioprotocols Working Group are expected to be actively coordinating on the creation of standards and tools, whether supported by organization funds or by external funding. This subgroup has no formal organizational status, but coordinating and supporting these active developers is the primary responsibility of the Chair and Finance Committee.

Voting Procedures

In the following procedures, working days are defined as Monday through Friday.

Elections Process:

Before any election, there is a nomination period of at least 5 working days. All members of the Bioprotocols Working Group are eligible for all offices (except where this would conflict with requirements that offices be held by persons from different organizations). Any member can self-nominate or can nominate any other member. Voting runs for 5 working days, starting at the end of the nomination period. All members of the Bioprotocols Working Group are eligible to vote. Candidates are elected by plurality. Note that this may need to be changed to a more sophisticated tallying system if elections become strongly contested.

Standards/Governance Voting Process:

Any member of the Bioprotocols Working Group can submit a proposal on standards (creation or modification) or to modify this governance to the community at large. All changes should be made based on rough consensus, which is later confirmed by a vote. The Chair is expected to move a proposal for a vote once they deem that a rough consensus has been achieved; a vote may also be moved and seconded by any two members of the Bioprotocols Working Group.

Voting forms should:


The Bioprotocols Working Group designates a Chair to help coordinate the activities of the organization. The responsibilities of the Chair are:

The Chair can delegate execution to others as needed: the Chair’s responsibility is to see that work deemed necessary by the members of the Bioprotocols Working Group is done, whether by themselves or others.

The Chair is elected for a 1 year period, and may be re-elected.

To increase the perspectives represented and to reduce the potential for conflict of interest, the Chair must not be from the same organization as any of the members of the Finance Committee.

If the community raises sufficient resources, funds may be allocated to pay for part or all of the Chair’s labor. The organization budget, however, should reflect development as the primary goals of the organization.

Note: if the scale of standards and organizational work outgrows a reasonable scale for a single individual, the Chair role should be expanded to a group of elected Editors, similar to what is used by other COMBINE standards. At present, with work dominated by tools, the Chair will serve as a sole elected Editor.

Finance Committee:

The Finance Committee is responsible for managing the financial resources of the Bioprotocols Working Group. These responsibilities include fund-raising, budgeting, approving expenditures, and any other fiscal activities necessary for an equitable and transparent use of funds in the interest of the community.

The Finance Committee has three members. Members are elected for a 1 year period, and may be re-elected.

To increase the perspectives represented and to reduce the potential for conflict of interest, the members of the Finance Committee must be from different organizations, and also may not be from the same organization as the Chair.

Likewise, to reduce the potential for conflict of interest, Finance Committee Members must act as volunteers, and cannot be paid by the Bioprotocols Working Group.

Budget process

The budget for the Bioprotocols Working Group shall be prepared and approved as follows:

Information regarding potential fund-raising and related communications shall be managed to appropriately preserve the privacy of personal information by the Chair and the Finance Committee.

The organization budget, minutes from budget-related meetings, and financial transactions shall all be made public for the sake of transparency.

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is the only non-elected position in the Bioprotocols Working Group. This is because the purpose of the Steering Committee is to ensure that the major financial contributors to the Bioprotocols Working Group are comfortable with how their contributions are being spent.

The Steering Committee is composed of:

Tenure on the Steering Committee runs 1 year forward from the point where contributions hit the threshold (i.e., if a Steering Committee organization stops being able to contribute, they have a “grace period” of 1 year before leaving the committee).

Note that qualifying contributions are specifically only monetary: in-kind contributions (e.g., labor or supplies) are explicitly excluded.

The responsibilities of the steering committee are:

Code of Conduct:

The Bioprotocols Working Group is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in our meetings, email lists, and other communication mechanisms in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any of these venues, including talks, workshops, parties, email lists, and other online media. Participants in our meetings and discussions violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from our mailing lists and our meetings at the discretion of the Chair.

Ground-rules for moderating community discussions

The following are suggested ground rules for discussions intended to promote constructive dialogue and inclusion of the greatest breadth of stakeholder perspectives: