There are two main options to getting started with LabOP:
- Install pyLabOP from PyPI, in your Python environment:
pip3 install pylabop
or install from source:
git clone pip3 install labop
- LabOP visualizations currently depend on the graphviz application. To install graphviz, run (per
- Mac: brew install graphviz
- Linux: apt-get install graphviz libgraphviz-dev pkg-config
- Windows: choco install graphviz
- To use LabOP in your client application, import the LabOP, UML, and SBOL3 modules:
import labop, uml, sbol3
- Initialize an SBOL document to hold the protocol and referenced objects:
sbol3.set_namespace('') doc = sbol3.Document()
and (optionally) read a previously saved document:'test/testfiles/igem_ludox_test.nt')
Create a Simple Protocol
- Define a protocol object:
protocol = labop.Protocol('MyNewProtocol') doc.add(protocol)
- Import a primitive library:
- Create a primitive activity:
plate = protocol.primitive_step('EmptyContainer', specification="MyPlate")
- Visualize the protocol with GraphViz: